Quebec police aren’t holding any cards
Quebec police are playing poker in the game of genetic genealogy but not holding any cards.

COMPOSITE: Luc Gregoire
Is it Luc Gregoire? The eyes see what they want to see. If Gregoire was criminally active on the island of Montreal as early as 1977, it casts a whole new perspective on a catalog of the city’s unsolved murders.

LE COMPOSITE: Luc Gregoire
Est-ce Luc Grégoire ? Les yeux voient ce qu’ils veulent voir. Si Grégoire était criminel sur l’île de Montréal dès 1977, cela jette une toute nouvelle perspective sur un catalogue des meurtres non résolus de la ville.

Policiers du Québec jouant au poker sans aucune carte
Les policiers du Québec jouent au poker dans le jeu de la généalogie génétique mais ne détiennent aucune carte.

Puzzle 15
Have you heard of Puzzle 15?
I bet you have, you just don’t know it. You know those 4 x 4 tile scrambles where you have to rearrange the sliding pieces into an image? Popeye? The Flinstones? That’s the 15 puzzle, sometimes called Gem, Boss, or Mystic Square.
Here’s a puzzle. What happened to Marilyn Bergeron? This week marks the 15th anniversary of the disappearance of the 24-year-old girl who today would be thirty-nine. Bergeron left her family’s home in Quebec City for a walk on the morning of February 17, 2008. She did not return.

Casse-Tête 15 – et la disparition de Marilyn Bergeron
Avez-vous entendu parler de Puzzle 15 ?
Je parie que vous l’avez fait, vous ne le savez tout simplement pas. Vous connaissez ces brouillages de tuiles 4 x 4 où vous devez réorganiser les pièces coulissantes en une image ? Popeye ? Les Pierrafeu ? C’est le puzzle 15, parfois appelé Gem, Boss ou Mystic Square.
Voici une énigme. Qu’est-il arrivé à Marilyn Bergeron ? Cette semaine marque le 15e anniversaire de la disparition de la jeune fille de 24 ans qui aurait aujourd’hui trente-neuf ans. Bergeron a quitté la maison familiale de Québec pour une promenade le matin du 17 février 2008. Elle n’est pas revenue.

Bagatelle – The 1990 murder of Lise Brisebois
I have a case that is child’s play; the 1990 murder of 23-year-old Lise Brisebois. It’s a wonder a suspect has never been mentioned as an obvious candidate has been geographically under the Surete du Quebec’s nose for over twenty years – a sort of criminal investigative bagatelle.

Bagatelle – Le meurtre de Lise Brisebois en 1990
J’ai une affaire qui est comme child’s play ; le meurtre en 1990 de Lise Brisebois, 23 ans. Il est étonnant qu’un suspect n’ait jamais été mentionné car un candidat évident est géographiquement sous le nez de la Sûreté du Québec depuis plus de vingt ans – une sorte de bagatelle d’enquête criminelle.

Ripper also-rans
Jack The Peeper peeped. Jack The Hugger groped. Jack The Haircutter: The New York Recorder tells us, “This title explains itself,” but I don’t think it does. Do explain. For over three months, this gentleman “terrorized” the lower east side by snipping hair locks of women as they window-shopped along the streets of New York. Police searched for Jack The Haircutter for months without success, surmising he probably sold the hair to salon wig makers at a good price. It all starts innocent enough with a haircut, but then what?

Who Killed Theresa Turns 20
We’re having a birthday. I launched Who Killed Theresa in early January, 2003. Twenty years is a long time to catalogue unsolved crime.

What’s happening with U.S. homicide clearance rates?
Last summer, President Biden signed into law the Homicide Victims’ Families’ Rights Act, which requires federal agencies to revisit cold case murder files and apply…

The Model – The Murder of Marie-Josée Saint-Antoine
This is a story about the puzzle of celebrity, excess and indulgence, the lure of centers of power like Montreal and New York City. It…

22 years later, Quebec provincial police to charge man with murder of Guylaine Potvin
47-year-old man expected to appear in court Thursday The Canadian Press · Posted: Oct 12, 2022 12:52 PM The Quebec provincial police’s four-year-old expanded cold case squad…

L’équipe élargie de cold case de la Sûreté du Québec n’a pas encore résolu un meurtre
Morgan Lowrie, Presse canadienne, le 21 juillet 2022. MONTRÉAL — Plus de 50 ans plus tard, Isabel Marcotte ressent encore chaque jour la douleur du…

Quebexico – Why Theresa Allore’s murder was never solved
There is no simple answer to this question, so once-a-week for 24 weeks I wrote a chapter to explain the complex relationship that evolved between…

Québexique – Pourquoi le meurtre de Theresa Allore n’a jamais été résolu
Il n’y a pas de réponse simple à cette question, alors une fois par semaine pendant 24 semaines, j’ai écrit un chapitre pour expliquer la…

Vingt-quatre courts films de Québexique
Que penser de la parabole de Saad Gabr, le riche et mystérieux homme d’affaires arabe qui est apparu dans les Cantons au milieu des années…

Twenty-Four Short Films about Quebexico
What should we make of the parable of Saad Gabr, the wealthy and mysterious Arab businessman who appeared in the Townships in the mid-seventies, began…

Rolland Giguère = Jean Claude + Regis Lachance
En décembre 2021, la Sûreté du Québec m’a demandé de reprendre la balado diffusion et l’écriture sur le cas de Thérèse, dans le but de…

Rolland Giguere = Jean Claude + Regis Lachance
In December 2021, the Surete du Quebec asked me to go back to podcasting and writing about Theresa’s case, with the goal of stirring up…

Theresa Allore = Gerald + Regis Lachance
“I contacted the Sûreté du Québec to say that my father had confessed to having committed murder in the late 70s and early 80s before…

Theresa Allore = Gérald + Régis Lachance
« J’ai contacté la Sûreté du Québec pour dire que mon père avait avoué avoir commis un meurtre à la fin des années 70 et…

La descente de Disco Bob’s
Le vendredi soir 19 mai 1978, 16 agents de la Sûreté du Québec et 4 agents de la force municipale de Lennoxville prennent d’assaut Disco…

The Raid at Disco Bob’s
On Friday evening, May 19, 1978, 16 officers from the Sûreté du Québec, and 4 officers from Lennoxville’s municipal force stormed Disco Robert, the nightclub…

Justice muselée
Il y a une photo de l’agent de la Sûreté du Québec, Jacques Filion, regardant dans un sac poubelle de vêtements au dépotoir de ma…

Muzzled Justice
There’s a photo of Surete du Quebec agent, Jacques Filion staring into a garbage bag of clothing at my sister’s dump site the morning she…

Jean Charland – Le Fils Prodigue
“Cher Monsieur Allore, … vous trouverez ci-joint une photocopie d’un article paru dans le Montreal Star et qui décrit brièvement le conflit entre la Sûreté…

Jean Charland – Prodigal Son
“March 25, 1979 Dear Mr. Allore, … you will find attached a photo-copy of an article which appeared in the Montreal Star and which briefly…

How we know Regis Lachance was a police informant
In April 2020, we were putting the finishing touches on Wish You Were Here. I had newly made the acquaintance of Jean-Pierre Rancourt, the lawyer who…

Comment savons-nous que Régis Lachance était un stooler
En avril 2020, nous mettions la touche finale à Wish You Were Here. Je venais de faire la connaissance de Jean-Pierre Rancourt, l’avocat qui avait défendu…

The Trial of Fernand Laplante
The first degree murder trial of Fernand Laplante opened the week after Theresa Allore’s body was found in a Compton, Quebec culvert on Good Friday…

Le procès de Fernand Laplante
Le procès pour meurtre au premier degré de Fernand Laplante s’est ouvert la semaine suivant la découverte du corps de Theresa Allore dans un ponceau…

The Aloha Motel Fire
When Coroner Jean-Pierre Rivard adjourned his inquiry into the murders of Raymond Grimard, Manon Bergeron, and Carole Fecteau on October 16, police were still without…

L’incendie au Aloha Motel
Lorsque le coroner Jean-Pierre Rivard a ajourné son enquête sur les meurtres de Raymond Grimard, Manon Bergeron et Carole Fecteau le 16 octobre, la police…

Les trois meurtres: avenues sans fin
“Avez-vous déjà joué au Clue ? Il s’agit de ce jeu de détective qui demande aux participants de découvrir le meurtrier, le lieu et l’arme…

Three of a Perfect Pair
Have you ever played Clue? This is a detective game that asks participants to discover the murderer, the location, and the murder weapon. The results can…

Les meurtres de Raymond Grimard et Manon Bergeron
“Est-il possible de parler de bas-fonds à Sherbrooke et même d’oser avancer qu’une guerre ouverte y est déclarée? Se rait-il plus juste de dire…

S-Town – The murders of Raymond Grimard and Manon Bergeron
Is it possible to talk about the underbelly of Sherbrooke and even dare to say that open war has been declared there? Would it be…

Le meurtre de Carole Fecteau en 1978
Le week-end du 24 juin est un vrai coup de gueule au Québec. La Saint-Jean-Baptiste est célébrée dans la province depuis que les colons sont…

The murder of Carole Fecteau
June 24 weekend is a right piss-up in Quebec. Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day has been celebrated in the province ever since settlers got off the boat near…

For those of you coming in fresh to this website / podcast this is what we have so far. Twelve chapters, the stories are all…

Kentucky Fried MURDER!
On Halloween night 1968, the manager of a King street Kentucky Fried Chicken store was gunned down outside his home in Sherbrooke Quebec. Rolland Giguere’s…

Le meurtre de Rolland Giguère
Le soir de l’Halloween 1968, le gérant d’un magasin ‘Kentucky Fried Chicken’ de la rue King a été abattu devant son domicile à Sherbrooke, au…

Louise Camirand – Mise à jour
Il y a une « personne d’intérêt » dans l’affaire Louise Camirand. Il est là depuis tout ce temps, me regardant littéralement en face. Il…

Corporeal – Louise Camirand update
There’s a “person of interest” in the Louise Camirand case. He’s been there all this time, literally staring me in the face. His name is…

L’enlèvement de Manon Dubé
J’ai connu Manon Dubé il y a 20 ans. J’avais du mal à lire un article de journal français sur le meurtre de ma sœur,…

The aborted abduction of Manon Dubé
I learned of Manon Dubé 20 years ago. I was struggling to read a French newspaper article about my sister’s murder, and there in the…

Theresa Allore – Case update #1
One Christmas – though it might have been her birthday – my sister, Theresa asked for a Rolling Stones record. My parents grew up in…

Affaire Theresa Allore – Première mise à jour
J’aimerais que vous cessiez de considérer les décès de Louise Camirand, Manon Dubé et Theresa Allore comme des cas connexes. La base de cet argument…

The Night of the Long Knives
The Night of the Long Knives refers to a series of political executions conducted in the summer of 1934 by Hitler and his Brownshirts, Nazi…

Père Jean Salvail, Le Curé Motard de Sherbrooke, Québec
En 1969, le club de motards Dirty Reich de Sherbrooke change officiellement son nom pour The Gitans lors d’une assemblée générale tenue ce printemps-là. L’événement…

Father Jean Salvail The Biker Priest of Sherbrooke, Quebec
In 1969 The Dirty Reich motorcycle club of Sherbrooke officially changed their name to The Gitans at a general assembly meeting held that spring. The…

The Dirty Reich
“We’re not looking for trouble, we just want to have fun, we like the trip, the meeting of pretty girls, a beer from time to…

Les Motards de Quebec – Québexique
One of the many reasons I wanted to start a French podcast was to create a space that would allow for a different perspective on…

The Bikers of Sherbrooke
In order to understand the biker problems, you have to know the bikers. It’s not enough to rattle of a bunch of funny names like…

CECO was La Commission d’enquête sur le crime organisé / the Commission of Inquiry into Organized Crime. It was set up under Liberal party Premiere Robert Bourassa…

Folie à deux
This year my posts will be a little more episodic and random. I’ve distilled down some stories I’ve heard or read about over the years,…

The double-tap of tragedy
I think often about the double tragedy that struck my friend, Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu. It wasn’t enough that his daughter Julie was abducted and murdered in…

Le monde est indifférent à nos souffrance
Je pense souvent au double drame qui a frappé mon ami Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu. Il ne suffisait pas que sa fille Julie ait été enlevée et…

Bonjour/Hi : En collaboration avec Tracy Wing, j’ai commencé une version française de mon balado, Who Killed Theresa. Cela s’appelle Québexique, et les deux premiers épisodes…

In January 1968 a Canadian Forces Otter aircraft broke through the winter ice of Memphremagog and sank to the floor of the lake. Several recovery…

Bang-Bang Knock-Knock – The Rock Forest Massacre Part 3
“You are going to ignore this particular problem until it swims up and bites you in the ass” In the downtime between Part 1 of…

L’affaire du motel Le Châtillon de Rock Forest
Le Devoir, Thursday, July 31, 1986 / Page 7 Extract from the investigation report of the Commission de police du Québec on the conduct of…

Bish, who you foolin’?
The worst example of bystander apathy is the case of Kitty Genovese, a 28-year-old bartender who was murdered in a Queens, New York neighborhood in…

Bang-Bang Knock-Knock – The Rock Forest Massacre Part 2
“There’s too many captains on this island” This is part two of Bang-Bang Knock-Knock, about the 1983 Rock Forest Massacre in which two carpet layers…

Un cadavre identifié 44 ans plus tard
Le corps d’une jeune femme retrouvé dans un terrain vague de Longueuil il y a 44 ans a finalement été identifié par les enquêteurs de…

A corpse identified 44 years later
The body of a young woman found in a vacant lot in Longueuil 44 years ago has finally been identified by investigators from the Longueuil…

Bang-Bang Knock-Knock – The Rock Forest Massacre Part 1 / WKT5 #20
“La plus belle des ruses du diable est de vous persuader qu’il n’existe pas“ Marc-André Bédard had a very bad time of it in his…

That Case Is Not Here /Substack Drive for 500!
I just need 24 more subscribers! Subscribe for free and share to support my work:

That Case Is Not Here
Subscribers to this website. I have a writing site that I’d like you also to subscribe to. That Case Is Not Here is where I…

Requiem Pour Un Oiseau – La Meurtre d’André Vassard
Une chaude nuit d’été dans une petite ville de Québec avec rien d’autre à faire que de traîner sur la place locale. André Vassard, 16…

Requiem Pour Un Oiseau – The Killing of André Vassard / WKT5 #19
A hot summer night in small-town Quebec with nothing to do but hang out in the local square. 16-year-old Andre Vassard is huddled with friends,…

Tales from The Douglas Psychiatric Institute for the Insane / WKT5 #18
Remember Dr. Sleep / Gilles Lefebvre from the Real Chartrand episode? Guess where he ended up practicing when he returned from Morocco? The Douglas Psychiatric…

The Strange Death of the Twin Gynecologists Stewart and Cyril Marcus – WKT5 #17
On July 19, 1975, building handyman, Bill Terrell, responding to complaints of a foul odor coming from a 10th floor locked apartment at 460 E….

Something Fuckeried This Way Comes / WKT5 #16
I once received an email from a psychic from western Canada who said she was meant to contact me, that she had certain information regarding…

Riley Fairholm, shot dead by a Sûreté du Québec police officer – The Tracy Wing Interview / WKT5 #15
“Some systematic, institutionalized fuckery going on.” In July 2018, 17-year-old Riley Fairholm was shot dead by a Sûreté du Québec police officer on the deserted…

“Some nameless scapegoat in the middle” – The Killing of David Cross / WKT5 #14
Before he died last year, my father and I had been talking about his years working at Dominion Bridge, the engineering and construction giant headquartered…

Spontaneous Combustion / Catherine Daviau & Valérie Leblanc – WKT5 #13
Catherine Daviau In the matter of the murder of Catherine Daviau, the Montreal police would rather the public not know precisely how she died. But…

L’article original en français de cette histoire peut être trouvé ici. Who killed James Dubé? For nearly 15 years, the murderer of the fisherman from…

Siasi Tullaugak – “a violent death”, not suicide
A 2019 coroner’s report on the death of a 27-year-old Inuit woman determined “This is a violent death”, not suicide as initially ruled by the…

“Cops don’t know shit. They’re just frontin’” – Siasi Tullaugak / WKT5 #11
It’s December 12, 1977 around 11 p.m. and my 13-year-old sorry ass is standing at the southwest corner of Sainte Catherine and Atwater waiting for…

More of a psychopath than his patient – Real Chartrand / WKT5 #10
Real Chartrand was given a second chance. Then a third, then a fourth… a fifth, a sixth, a seventh. The career criminal was granted more…

The 1969 Unsolved Montreal Murder of Teresa Martin
Here are the links to all 9 episodes on the 1969 unsolved Montreal murder of Teresa Martin: Pattern Recognition – Teresa Martin #1 / WKT5…

Who killed Teresa Martin?
La Presse – Nicolas Bérubé, June 6, 2021 (Original article in French can be found here) More than 50 years after her death, the murder…

Shimmering Memory – Teresa Martin #9 / WKT5

GERALD ASSELIN – LE PETIT JOURNAL, 24 DECEMBRE 1972 “Où sont les Maigret, Vidocq, Hercule Poirot, Sherlock Holmes de nos services policiers? C’est ce que…

GERARD ASSELIN, LE PETIT JOURNAL – 10 DECEMBRE, 1972 “Une société peut- elle se permettre de ne pas tenter, par tous les moyens à sa…

Votre fille: la prochaine VICTIME?
LE PETIT JOURNAL – 25 JUILLET 1971 “Les meurtres aussi sadiques que ceux signalés à Cap-de-la-Madeleine, en fin de semaine dernière, sont d’autant plus répugnants…

Why Murders Are Unsolved – Teresa Martin #8 / WKT5
PREVIOUS PODCAST: “They are treated just like pigs” – Teresa Martin #7 / WKT5 “The Incompetents: Our Detectives And Police” Le Petit Journal was a…

Interview – Crime Conversations
This is an interview done in fellowship with friends, John and Sally, two former police detectives from the UK who host the podcast, True Crime…

“They are treated just like pigs” – Teresa Martin / #7 WKT5
PREVIOUS PODCAST: “You don’t have a name in your head?” – Teresa Martin #6 / WKT5 NEXT PODCAST: Why Murders Are Unsolved – Teresa Martin…

“You don’t have a name in your head?” – Teresa Martin #6 / WKT5
PREVIOUS PODCAST: Qu’est-ce que tu entends par Splashs? – Teresa Martin #5 / WKT5 NEXT PODCAST: “They are treated just like pigs” – Teresa Martin…

Qu’est-ce que tu entends par Splashs? – Teresa Martin #5 / WKT5
May 21, 1970 interrogation of two witnesses by Coroner Laurin Lapointe and Crown Attorney Roch Heroux into the murder of Theresa Martin: Johanne H Huguette…

La MUQ – Teresa Martin #4 / WKT5
PREVIOUS PODCAST: Le Sadique Meurtrier -Teresa Martin / WKT5 #3 NEXT PODCAST: Qu’est-ce que tue entends par Splashs? – Teresa Martin / WKT5 #5 Journalism is…

Le Sadique Meurtrier -Teresa Martin #3 / WKT5
“Ten young women have been strangled in Quebec in the last three years – Is there one or several killers?” PREVIOUS PODCAST: F.L. FRENCHY I…

Quebec suffers from the twin diseases of Nostalgia and Amnesia
When the time is right, I’ll tell you what happened to Dorion and Tremblay. Not now. I need a break from the 1970s.

F.L. FRENCHY I LOVE YOU – Teresa Martin #2 / WKT5
PREVIOUS PODCAST: Pattern Recognition – Teresa Martin / WKT5 #1 NEXT PODCAST: Le Sadique Meurtrier -Teresa Martin / WKT5 #3 Teresa Martin was meant to…

Pattern Recognition – Teresa Martin #1 / WKT5
NEXT PODCAST: F.L. FRENCHY I LOVE YOU – Teresa Martin / WKT5 #2 I pitch this story. Call it Story A / The Lid. And…

When She Was Bad – The Patricia Pearson Interview / WKT4 #19
An interview with author Patricia Pearson, her first book, When She Was Bad – How And Why Women Get Away With Murder was just re-released…

Ian Thomas Caterill is dead
Ian Caterill was the subject of much discussion in the editing of Wish You Were Here. Eventually we took his name out of the book…

La quête d’une vie après un meurtre impuni
À 14 ans, John Allore a perdu sa sœur Theresa, tuée par un inconnu dans les Cantons-de-l’Est, une histoire qu’il raconte dans son nouveau livre Wish You Were…

Who Were These Men / The Yorkshire Ripper – WKT4 #18
This is a crossover podcast episode. You can listen to the second half with Chantelle over at her podcast Lady Justice: “LONDON (AFP) –…

Sign In Stranger – WKT4 #17
Do you have a dark spot on your past?

Resting Place
The following appeared in The Sherbrooke Record on Thursday, November 26, 2020 as part of the Lennoxville & District Women’s Centre’s series, 12 Days Of…

The Tale of Mr. Morton – WKT4 / #16
In the book Wish You Were Here, Patricia Pearson and I raise the question whether Luc Gregoire – the offender with a violent criminal history…

In her new book, Patricia Pearson partners with the brother of a 1978 murder victim to investigate the crime
ELIZABETH RENZETTI PUBLISHED NOVEMBER 11, 2020, The Globe and Mail In the new book Wish You Were Here: A Murdered Girl, A Brother’s Quest and the…

Le meurtre non élucidé de Theresa Allore : Une filière fermée froidement
Trois semaines après la disparition de Theresa Allore, le chef de police de Lennoxville, Léo Hamel, était arrivé à lier l’affaire à celle du meurtre…

Theresa Allore – Case Closed Cold
Three weeks after she went missing, Lennoxville Police Chief Leo Hamel managed to connect the disappearance of Theresa Allore with the prior-year murder of Louise…

Theresa Allore – Case Closed Cold / WKT4 #15
Three weeks after she went missing, Lennoxville Police Chief Leo Hamel managed to connect the disappearance of Theresa Allore with the prior-year murder of Louise…

Wish You Were Here interview – Shelf Life Books
Here is a reading and interview at Shelf Life Books / Calgary for the book, Wish You Were Here with John Allore and Patricia Pearson.

Missing from the Village – The Justin Ling Interview – WKT4 #14
An interview with Justin Ling, author of Missing From The Village, a book about the 2010–2017 Toronto serial homicides. In 2013, the Toronto Police Service…

Confusion now hath made his masterpiece
“This is one of those mysteries that will remain a mystery because we blew it from the beginning. There were all these questions. And we…

Something Wicked This Way Comes
Last week Quebec Premier François Legault appointed former Montreal police officer Ian Lafrenière to head the province’s Ministry of Indigenous Affairs. This follows the ouster…

La quête d’un frère pour découvrir la vérité sur le meurtre de sa sœur pourrait avoir permis de révéler l’existence d’un tueur en série à Calgary
de Eric Volmers / Calgary Herald / Oct 9, 2020 / Traduit par Micheline Lampron John Allore sait que son histoire est irrésistiblement accrocheuse pour…

How a brother’s search for truth in his sister’s death may have revealed a Calgary serial killer
Eric Volmers, Calgary Herald / Oct 09, 2020 John Allore realizes his story has an irresistible hook for journalists: A grieving brother, unconvinced of the…
- Agostino Ferreira (2)
- Alain Montpetit (2)
- Armand Duhamel (1)
- Bikers (10)
- Bill Morton (1)
- Christine Lepage (1)
- Claude Larouche (3)
- Daniel Couillard (5)
- Edmond Turcotte (3)
- Eric Daudelin (1)
- Fernand Laplante (22)
- Gerald Lachance (9)
- Gilles Perron (1)
- Gilles Pimpare & Normand Guerin (1)
- Guy Croteau (7)
- Guy Field (1)
- Henri Vincent (1)
- Ian Catterill (1)
- Jack The Ripper (2)
- Jean Charland (22)
- Jean Claude Lachance (6)
- Jean Paul Fournel, Jules Reeves, Georges Marcotte (1)
- Johanne Johnson (1)
- John Christopher Leclair (1)
- John McLauphlin (1)
- Luc Grégoire (20)
- Ludger Delarosbil (1)
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- Michel Belley (2)
- Michel Déry (1)
- Police shooting (9)
- Pouliot (2)
- Raymond Charette (1)
- Real Chartrand (1)
- Regis Lachance (19)
- Robert Laramée (1)
- Robert Leblanc (3)
- Roderick Nocholson (5)
- Serge Archambault (2)
- The Plumber Rapist (1)
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- DECADE (198)
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- Montreal SPVM (62)
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- Back River Jane Doe (1)
- Barbara Myers (2)
- Brigitte Parker (1)
- Brigitte Roberge (1)
- Carole Dupont (1)
- Carole Fecteau (23)
- Carole Marchand (1)
- Catherine Daviau (1)
- Cédrika Provencher (1)
- Celine Gagnon (1)
- Chantal Briere (1)
- Chantal Brochu (4)
- Chantal Cote (1)
- Chantal De Montgaillard (2)
- Chantal Rochon (2)
- Chantal Tremblay (10)
- Christiane Malo (1)
- Claire Samson (1)
- Claude Marineau and Denis Brabant (1)
- Claudette Poirier (9)
- Claudia Beauvais (3)
- Daniele Thomas (1)
- Danielle Laplante (1)
- David Cross (1)
- Debbie Buck (1)
- Denise Bazinet (13)
- Denise Morelle (1)
- Denise Picard (1)
- Diane Dery & Mario Corbeil (6)
- Diane Thibeault (3)
- Evelyne Levasseur Pulice (11)
- Francine Da Sylva (3)
- Francine Loiselle & Suzanne Morrow (1)
- Frank Shoofey (1)
- Gabriel Labelle (1)
- Germaine DeRome (1)
- Gilles Leblanc (1)
- Guylaine Potvin (3)
- Helene Hurtubise (1)
- Hélène Monast (9)
- James Dube (1)
- Jane Doe (3)
- Jean Way (2)
- Joanne Dorion (9)
- Jocelyne Beaudoin & Renee Lessard (2)
- Jocelyne Houle (10)
- Johanne Beaudoin (1)
- Johanne Marsolais (4)
- Joleil Campeau (3)
- Jolène Riendeau (1)
- Julie Surprenant (5)
- Katherine Hawkes (21)
- Linda Flood (1)
- Linda Silverman (1)
- Lise Brisebois (4)
- Lise Choquette (10)
- Lison Blais (13)
- Louis Georges Dupont (3)
- Louise Blanc-Poupart (1)
- Louise Camirand (25)
- Lucie Beaudoin (2)
- Lucie Dore (1)
- Lynette Gibb (2)
- Manon Bergeron (18)
- Manon Dube (17)
- Marc Distefano (1)
- Marc Patenaude (1)
- Margaret Peggy Coleman (5)
- Marie Claude Cote (1)
- Marie-Chantale Desjardins (3)
- Marie-Ève Larivière (3)
- Marie-Josée Saint-Antoine (2)
- Marielle Archambault (2)
- Marilyn Bergeron (3)
- Mary Gallagher (1)
- Maurice Marcil & Chantal Dupont (1)
- Mélanie Cabay (6)
- Mélanie Decamps (1)
- Melanie Temperton (2)
- Michel Lamoureux (1)
- Michelle Perron (1)
- Monique Marchand (2)
- Myriam Valois (1)
- Natasha Cournoyer (2)
- Nathalie Boucher (3)
- Nathalie Godbout (2)
- Nation River Lady (1)
- Nicole Gaudreault (6)
- Norma O'Brien & Debbie Fisher (7)
- Norma Vaillancourt (2)
- Pascale Lemaire (1)
- Pauline Laplante (1)
- Raymond Grimard (18)
- Real Chartrand (1)
- Riley Fairholm (1)
- Rolland Giguere (8)
- Rollande Asselin (1)
- Roxanne Luce (1)
- Serge Beaudoin (4)
- Sharon Baron (2)
- Sharron Prior (19)
- Shirley Audette (2)
- Siasi Tullaugak (2)
- Sophie Landry (6)
- Stewart & Cyril Marcus (1)
- Suzanne Charbonneau (1)
- Suzanne Gilbert (1)
- Suzanne Mercier (1)
- Suzanne Yelle (1)
- Sylvie Michaud (1)
- Tammy Leakey (14)
- Tara Manning (1)
- Teresa Martin (13)
- Theresa Allore (56)
- Theresa Pearson (3)
- Tiffany Morrison (1)
- Ursula Schulz (1)
- Valérie Dalpé (3)
- Valerie Leblanc (2)
- Vivian Villeneuve (1)
Tag Cloud
Allo Police Atomes Bootlace Killer CECO Chemin du Lac Claude Poirier Cold Case Compton Dirty Reich FLQ Frank Shoofey Gitans Hells Angels Jacques Filion Jean-Pierre Rivard Jean Claude Bernheim Jean Pierre Rancourt Jean Salvail John Dalzell Journal de Montreal Kristian Gravenor Lennoxville Leo Hamel Luc Landry Marc Andre Bedard MDIQ MUQ Noel Bolduc non résolus October Crisis Patrick Hall Pinel Popeyes Quebec Real Chateauneuf Roch Gaudreault Roch Heroux Satan's Choice serial killer Sherbrooke Sherbrooke Hussars surete du quebec True Crime Wish You Were Here Yvan Charland