One Comment

  1. Since New Year I’ve been reading here and listening on your podcast to your episodes, and I find them fascinating to say the least. I’m impressed by your amazing analysis. I also appreciate your impartial observations and your “just” analysis and sharp focus. You don’t spare anyone and break down each case with its characters and analyze them so well. Thank you for all your work.

    I have the impression that those SQ agents and that coroner were corrupted but they were not stupid.

    There’s so much to comment here, but I will just limit my comments to the Theresa Allore case:
    I’ve read the book ‘Wish You Were Here’ twice.

    Why would an investigator in charge of the Theresa Allore case, Corporal Roch Gaudreault, would still insist that there was drug overdose, while the tests, the science proved that there were no drugs in Theresa Allore’s system? Even if Roch Gaudreault was simply mistaken (an honest mistake) in his first conclusion, the tests were done again in 2003 and it was again proven that there were no drugs and there was no alcohol in her system, Gaudreault still insisted on National TV in 2005 that it was a drug overdose. An investigator shouldn’t contradict the evidence. Why would the investigator in charge of the case, nationwide, claim such a lie?

    Another remark: When Theresa was still a “missing person” and her body was NOT yet discovered, on December 4, 1978, the lead investigator Gaudreault told Theresa’s father “There was little they could do, that the family should return to New Brunswick and wait for the winter to end. Theresa’s body would probably turn up when the snow melted.”

    If someone is missing, I wouldn’t assume that this person would turn up dead and the body was hidden somewhere under the snow. The logic says that the investigator already knew that Theresa’s body was under the snow somewhere, it was just a slip of the tongue, that he probably regretted it later. Because at that moment in December 1978 nobody knew where Theresa was, let alone whether she was dead, or her body was hidden under the snow.

    A good investigator who had no clue to what happened to Theresa when she was still missing, and didn’t know where Theresa was on December 4, 1978, would assume she might still be alive after a month of her disappearance, or at least keep an open mind and assume she was held somewhere against her will, etc. Even if she was considered dead, why say “her body was hidden under the snow, and she’d be discovered when the snow was melted”? Not looking further or more thoroughly suggests Gaudreault knew exactly where Theresa was or what happened to her. If one knows where the body is, one doesn’t look for it.

    If I was an investigator, I’d think of possibilities and consider many options, because even if Theresa Allore was no longer alive on that day, she might not be hidden under a pile of snow, (Where did Gaudreault get that idea?) or Theresa Allore might be in a trunk of a car for all we know, under a pile of hay, or she might be in a construction site, or held against her will in a bloody basement, or a garage, etc.

    Between thousand possibilities Gaudreault picked the one and only possibility and guess what? That was also where Theresa was.

    The fact that Gaudreault already then – in December 1978 – pointed out that her body would be discovered once the snow melted, indicates that he already knew where Theresa was and that it was under snow hidden somewhere.

    I’m not saying that Gaudreault is the murderer, but it suggests that he already knew the whereabouts of Theresa (under the snow hidden). Come April 13th, 1979, her body was indeed discovered once the snow was melted, that proves it.

    The wallet: Theresa’s wallet which was found one week after her body was discovered somewhere 16 km further, was according to the lead investigator Gaudreault “dragged by some wild animals”. Now, after all what I’ve read in the book and here on this website, excuse me, but I wonder if that wild animal was also in service of SQ.

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