1. Don’t have substack account so gonna comment here sorry

    I can’t believe it was ruled a suicide… The only thing I have heard from this case was mannequin mannequin mannequin… Nothing about a possible murder or even an investigation… Its like it was a case close from the start just cause they found a suicide note.
    And I’m not sure how suicide by asphyxiation work if you’re outside…

  2. I contacted Enquêtes Meurtres & Disparitions du Québec, to investigate about GILLES DEMERS, the 80 André street , Drummondville about his Alibi’s Alice Paré murder, 1971. Gilles resided near upside Cinéma Royale not too far from St-Jean street music local where the little girl seen last time.
    Can we confidence in these private investigators .??? à la dilletante .

    1. Very often they are people who took a course in private investigation from their local CEGEP, and the instructor is a retired Quebec police officer. So you tell me if we should have confidence.

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