1. Gatineau Police Service or Sherbrooke Police or so called “the more experienced provincial police, the Surete du Quebec” will never be able to solve those cases unless the perpetrators come forward and confess to the crimes I guess….

    Phenotyping to solve cold cases in Quebec: Quebec police will figure that out after 50 years from now probably when all the suspects/perpatrators are long gone and are dead.

    This episode made me laugh out loud, giggle more than once because I found it hilarious how police forces acted! Another gem of an episode, thank you for your great work! Will listen to it more than once!

  2. Gatineau Police Service or Sherbrooke Police or “the more experienced provincial police, the Surete du Quebec” will never be able to solve those cases unless the perpetrators come forward and confess…

    Phenotyping to solve cold cases in Quebec: Quebec police will figure that out after 50 years from now, probably when all the suspects/perpetrators are long gone and are dead.

    This episode made me laugh out loud, giggle more than once! Another gem of an episode, thank you for your great work!

  3. @John, in my opinion, you can never rant enough on the SQ. It was certainly not enough ranting on Teresa Martin’s case series (all 9 episodes that I find the finest work of investigative journalism and best documentary of that case and of that era – 1969 – in Canada) or on any other case that involves SQ. If you put the ranting and all what SQ did or did NOT do on a scale, I’m sure the scale with SQ’s fuck ups would weigh heavier than your ranting, so you have my blessings on the future ranting.

  4. HI, is it possible that Claude Larouche is related to Catherine Daviau’s murder? Seems plausible to me. Was he out of prison around that time? Was he smoking Player’s filtre ? For sure the person responsible was watching Catherine and had a key to the appartment or something. I was living in Rosemont at that time and was struck by the fact that this went almost under the radar. Anyway, thanks for the good work sir.

    1. Daviau murdered December 11, 2008. Larouche was out in 2007 through November 2009 when he was arrested for Cournoyer’s murder. Certainly possible. As well, Marilyn Bergeron disappeared in February of 2008, and Larouche has been considered as a suspect. Thanks Frederic.

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