Les Motards de Quebec – Québexique
One of the many reasons I wanted to start a French podcast was to create a space that would allow for a different perspective on the same basic information. Each episode for the French and English podcasts share the same basic text, but the hosts (myself and Tracy Wing) have permission to go off-script and present our own unique observations. Which is exactly what happened in episode 4, Les Motards de Quebec / The Bikers of Quebec.
The script ends with the report concluding that police couldn’t get a lot done with the Sherbrooke bikers in the ’70s because of the “wall of silence” that surrounds biker culture. Tracy then goes in a very different direction than myself by suggesting that there was also a “wall of silence” around police culture, and that that might be the more damaging element in this era where police lacked the moral courage to dutifully uphold the law. And this comes from Tracy’s personal experience of her son, Riley Fairholm having been shot and killed be Quebec police during a crisis intervention in that region in the summer of 2018.
Oh, and music is different too, you should listen to both!
Je viens d’écouter cet épisode. C’est un tel plaisir d’écouter la voix de Tracy et ce qu’elle a à dire.
Le contenu de cet épisode est assez choquant. Il est clair que la police, le ministre de la justice, le gouvernement étaient tous bien informés de la dangerosité du crime organisé au Québec, mais ils n’avaient aucun plan d’action concret pour protéger les citoyens ou pour mettre fin au crime organisé.
J’adore aussi la musique ! C’est Vos Voisins ?
Je n’oublierai pas Riley Fairholm, 17 ans, qui a été abattu en 60 secondes par un policier de la Sûreté du Québec. C’est gravé dans ma mémoire depuis que je l’ai lu…