Theresa Allore was a 19-year-old Canadian college student who disappeared on Friday, November 3, 1978 from Champlain College, Lennoxville in the Eastern Townships of Quebec.
Five months later, on April 13, 1979, her body was discovered in a small body of water approximately one kilometer from her dormitory residence in Compton, Quebec. Upon her disappearance police initially suggested she was a runaway. When her body was discovered police then suggested that she was the possible victim of a drug overdose, perhaps with the assistance of fellow college students.
John Allore, assisted by investigative reporter and friend, Patricia Pearson, developed compelling evidence suggesting Theresa was murdered, and that her death was linked to the unsolved cases of 10-year-old Manon Dube in March 1978 and Louise Camirand in 1977. Their book, Wish You Were Here links two other unsolved murders from that era; the 1977 deaths of Helen Monast from Chambly, and Denise Bazinet from Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu. Wish You Were Here suggests that systemic and criminal investigative failures at the hands of the Quebec police allowed for a serial sexual predator named Luc Gregoire to operate in the Quebec region in the late 1970s.

COMPOSITE: Luc Gregoire
Is it Luc Gregoire? The eyes see what they want to see. If Gregoire was criminally active on the island of Montreal as early as 1977, it casts a whole new perspective on a catalog of the city’s unsolved murders.

LE COMPOSITE: Luc Gregoire
Est-ce Luc Grégoire ? Les yeux voient ce qu’ils veulent voir. Si Grégoire était criminel sur l’île de Montréal dès 1977, cela jette une toute nouvelle perspective sur un catalogue des meurtres non résolus de la ville.

L’équipe élargie de cold case de la Sûreté du Québec n’a pas encore résolu un meurtre
Morgan Lowrie, Presse canadienne, le 21 juillet 2022. MONTRÉAL — Plus de 50 ans plus tard, Isabel Marcotte ressent encore chaque jour la douleur du…

Quebexico – Why Theresa Allore’s murder was never solved
There is no simple answer to this question, so once-a-week for 24 weeks I wrote a chapter to explain the complex relationship that evolved between…

Québexique – Pourquoi le meurtre de Theresa Allore n’a jamais été résolu
Il n’y a pas de réponse simple à cette question, alors une fois par semaine pendant 24 semaines, j’ai écrit un chapitre pour expliquer la…

Vingt-quatre courts films de Québexique
Que penser de la parabole de Saad Gabr, le riche et mystérieux homme d’affaires arabe qui est apparu dans les Cantons au milieu des années…

Twenty-Four Short Films about Quebexico
What should we make of the parable of Saad Gabr, the wealthy and mysterious Arab businessman who appeared in the Townships in the mid-seventies, began…

Theresa Allore = Gerald + Regis Lachance
“I contacted the Sûreté du Québec to say that my father had confessed to having committed murder in the late 70s and early 80s before…

Theresa Allore = Gérald + Régis Lachance
« J’ai contacté la Sûreté du Québec pour dire que mon père avait avoué avoir commis un meurtre à la fin des années 70 et…

La descente de Disco Bob’s
Le vendredi soir 19 mai 1978, 16 agents de la Sûreté du Québec et 4 agents de la force municipale de Lennoxville prennent d’assaut Disco…

The Raid at Disco Bob’s
On Friday evening, May 19, 1978, 16 officers from the Sûreté du Québec, and 4 officers from Lennoxville’s municipal force stormed Disco Robert, the nightclub…

Jean Charland – Le Fils Prodigue
“Cher Monsieur Allore, … vous trouverez ci-joint une photocopie d’un article paru dans le Montreal Star et qui décrit brièvement le conflit entre la Sûreté…

Jean Charland – Prodigal Son
“March 25, 1979 Dear Mr. Allore, … you will find attached a photo-copy of an article which appeared in the Montreal Star and which briefly…

How we know Regis Lachance was a police informant
In April 2020, we were putting the finishing touches on Wish You Were Here. I had newly made the acquaintance of Jean-Pierre Rancourt, the lawyer who…

Comment savons-nous que Régis Lachance était un stooler
En avril 2020, nous mettions la touche finale à Wish You Were Here. Je venais de faire la connaissance de Jean-Pierre Rancourt, l’avocat qui avait défendu…

The Trial of Fernand Laplante
The first degree murder trial of Fernand Laplante opened the week after Theresa Allore’s body was found in a Compton, Quebec culvert on Good Friday…

Le procès de Fernand Laplante
Le procès pour meurtre au premier degré de Fernand Laplante s’est ouvert la semaine suivant la découverte du corps de Theresa Allore dans un ponceau…

The Aloha Motel Fire
When Coroner Jean-Pierre Rivard adjourned his inquiry into the murders of Raymond Grimard, Manon Bergeron, and Carole Fecteau on October 16, police were still without…

L’incendie au Aloha Motel
Lorsque le coroner Jean-Pierre Rivard a ajourné son enquête sur les meurtres de Raymond Grimard, Manon Bergeron et Carole Fecteau le 16 octobre, la police…

For those of you coming in fresh to this website / podcast this is what we have so far. Twelve chapters, the stories are all…

Theresa Allore – Case update #1
One Christmas – though it might have been her birthday – my sister, Theresa asked for a Rolling Stones record. My parents grew up in…

Affaire Theresa Allore – Première mise à jour
J’aimerais que vous cessiez de considérer les décès de Louise Camirand, Manon Dubé et Theresa Allore comme des cas connexes. La base de cet argument…

Folie à deux
This year my posts will be a little more episodic and random. I’ve distilled down some stories I’ve heard or read about over the years,…

Bish, who you foolin’?
The worst example of bystander apathy is the case of Kitty Genovese, a 28-year-old bartender who was murdered in a Queens, New York neighborhood in…

Bang-Bang Knock-Knock – The Rock Forest Massacre Part 1 / WKT5 #20
“La plus belle des ruses du diable est de vous persuader qu’il n’existe pas“ Marc-André Bédard had a very bad time of it in his…

Le meurtre non élucidé de Theresa Allore : Une filière fermée froidement
Trois semaines après la disparition de Theresa Allore, le chef de police de Lennoxville, Léo Hamel, était arrivé à lier l’affaire à celle du meurtre…

Theresa Allore – Case Closed Cold
Three weeks after she went missing, Lennoxville Police Chief Leo Hamel managed to connect the disappearance of Theresa Allore with the prior-year murder of Louise…

Theresa Allore – Case Closed Cold / WKT4 #15
Three weeks after she went missing, Lennoxville Police Chief Leo Hamel managed to connect the disappearance of Theresa Allore with the prior-year murder of Louise…

Confusion now hath made his masterpiece
“This is one of those mysteries that will remain a mystery because we blew it from the beginning. There were all these questions. And we…

Abandon Hope All Who Enter Here / WKT #45
Music from podcast #45. Theresa loved All Things Must Pass; I had the bedroom next to hears, she listened to it A LOT: Watch out…

What’s Past Is Prologue
The Lennoxville & District Women’s Centre asked me to write a piece for it’s series, “16 Days of Action to end Violence against Women”. It…

What’s Past Is Prologue – WKT #42
https://www.spreaker.com/user/12732193/42-new A continuation of the deep dive into the week prior to Theresa Allore’s disappearance, and the immediate aftermath.

We Found Stewart Peacock – WKT #41
It’s our Halloween episode! We get an update on what happened to Stewart Peacock. A deep dive into the week prior to Theresa Allore’s disappearance:…

Confusion Now Hath Made His Masterpiece – WKT #40
Discussion of the 1977 Charles Marion kidnapping and the 1978 Fernand Laplante trial in Sherbrooke, Quebec as they relate to the disappearance and murder of…

Sex Beast: Stuart Peacock / WKT #38
We recount what little we know of Champlain College Residence Supervisor, Stewart Peacock who vanished less than two months after Theresa Allore’s disappearance: …

UnHappy Ending – WKT #34
A deeper dive into the original cases of Theresa Allore, Manon Dube and Louise Camirand. Focus on…

Theresa Allore: You Think You Know This Case? WKT #27
A response to The Minds Of Madness podcast. We backtrack. Revisit Luc Gregoire. The music: It’s The Sweet: Love Is Like Oxygen. This was…

Theresa Allore – Part 2: The Minds of Madness
Part 2 of the Minds of Madness podcast focusing on unsolved murders in the Eastern Townships of Quebec Click here to listen to the podcast…

Index of related unsolved murders in Quebec in the 1970s – Repost
INDEX RELATED UNSOLVED MURDERS AND DISAPPEARANCES IN QUEBEC IN THE 1970s (click on the name for detailed case information) Alice Pare – Drummondville – April…

Minds of Madness Podcast Features Theresa Allore Case
The folks over at The Minds Of Madness have done a podcast focusing on Theresa Allore’s case. Tyler and Bek have done a wonderful job…

Mise à jour Theresa Allore : Le porte-monnaie
Beaucoup personnes savent que j’ai été au l’Estrie ce week-end. Je posterai plus sur cela plus tard, mais pour l’instant voila une brève mise à jour sur…

Carte: Camirand – Allore – Blais – Dube
For more on Louise Camirand, Theresa Allore, Lison Blais and Manon Dube click here Pour savoir plus de Louise Camirand, Theresa Allore, Lison Blais et…

Theresa Allore – mises à jour des médias
Voici quelques mises à jour des médias. Je suppose qu’ils sont utiles si elles obtiennent le mot, mais leur peu comme les boucles de rétroaction:…

Theresa Allore – a few media updates
Here are some media updates. I guess they are helpful if they get the word out, but their kinda like feedback loops: the best information…

Le cas curieux de Manon Dube – Janvier / Mars 1978
Beaucoup d’entre vous connaissent déjà l’histoire de Manon Dube, comme il a été l’un des trois cas originaux (avec Theresa Allore et Louise Camirand) citée…

Cas non résolus de meurtres et de disparitions au Québec dans les années 1970
Cas non résolus de meurtres et de disparitions au Québec dans les années 1970 (Cliquez sur le nom de l’information de cas détaillée) Alice…

Index of related unsolved murders in Quebec in the 1970s
INDEX RELATED UNSOLVED MURDERS AND DISAPPEARANCES IN QUEBEC IN THE 1970s (click on the name for detailed case information) Alice Pare – Drummondville – April…

Manon Dube – January / March 1978
Many of you already know the story of Manon Dube, as it was one of the original three cases (along with Theresa Allore and Louise…

Louise Camirand – 1977: Let the victim blaming begin
We’re coming up on the 39th anniversary of the unsolved murder of Louise Camirand. Let’s revisit the case: 20-year-old Louise Camirand lived in Sherbrooke, Quebec…

David Bowie: Space Oditties, Time, Up Here In Heaven
Ask me the question, “What was your sister like?” I would have to answer, “She loved David Bowie”. That’s not the whole story, but it…

Enquête Theresa Allore
Un disciple a présenté quelques questions que je me sens serait bénéfique de partager avec tout le monde : Q1 : Avez-vous le sentiment que…

Theresa Allore Investigation
A follower has brought forward some questions I feel would be beneficial to share with everyone: Q1: Do you have the feeling that the Quebec…

Quebec 1977: Who was The Bootlace Killer?
There was a serial killer operating not only in the Eastern Townships in the 1970s, but also in the Montreal region. Call him The Bootlace Killer. Louise Camirand, Helen Monast, Denise Bazinet and Theresa Allore were all most likely strangled by a thin ligature.

Québec 1977: Qui était “The Bootlace Killer”?
Il y avait un tueur en série exploitation non seulement dans les Cantons de l’Est dans les années 1970, mais aussi dans la région de…

Deux livres de la meurtre non-resolus de Theresa Allore
Et sur une note similaire: moi-même et Cal Millar – l’auteur de Find My Killer: Crime Stoppers: Unsolved Homicides un autre nouveau livre qui profil l’assassiner de Thérèse – ont embrassé et pris. Aucune mauvaise volonté là non plus, Cal’s a nice guy … très bien intentionnés. Il a même accepté de modifier le livre pour la deuxième édition de sorte qu’il ne dit pas Thérèse était un “New-Brunswicker” (un produit du Québec dans l’âme, et si le Québec ne peut assumer la responsabilité de résoudre ses assassiner).
See more on my Youtube Chanel

Theresa Allore – Case Closed Cold
Three weeks after she went missing, Lennoxville Police Chief Leo Hamel managed to connect the disappearance of Theresa Allore with the prior-year murder of Louise Camirand….