Carole Fecteau | Fernand Laplante | Jean Charland | Manon Bergeron | Raymond Grimard | Seventies | Sureté du Québec S-Town – The murders of Raymond Grimard and Manon Bergeron April 15, 2022April 16, 2022
Louise Camirand | Seventies | Sureté du Québec Louise Camirand – Mise à jour March 12, 2022March 12, 2022
Louise Camirand | Seventies | Sureté du Québec Corporeal – Louise Camirand update March 12, 2022March 12, 2022
Denise Bazinet | Guy Croteau | Jocelyne Houle | Julie Surprenant | Katherine Hawkes | Louise Camirand | Luc Grégoire | Manon Dube | Margaret Peggy Coleman | Pouliot | Seventies | Sharron Prior | Sophie Landry | Sureté du Québec | Theresa Allore Folie à deux January 15, 2022February 5, 2022
Carole Fecteau | Denise Bazinet | Fernand Laplante | Hélène Monast | Jean Charland | Lennoxville Police | Louise Camirand | Luc Grégoire | Manon Bergeron | Manon Dube | Raymond Grimard | Seventies | Sureté du Québec | Theresa Allore Theresa Allore – Case Closed Cold November 10, 2020February 10, 2023
Alice Paré | Chantal Tremblay | Claudette Poirier | Denise Bazinet | Evelyne Levasseur Pulice | Hélène Monast | Jane Doe | Joanne Dorion | Jocelyne Houle | Katherine Hawkes | Lise Choquette | Lison Blais | Louise Camirand | Manon Dube | Sharron Prior | Tammy Leakey | Theresa Allore | Uncategorized Index of related unsolved murders in Quebec in the 1970s – Repost June 14, 2017January 1, 2022
Alice Paré | Drummondville Police | Seventies The 1971 Unsolved Murder of Alice Pare / WKT #25 May 28, 2017December 28, 2022
Louise Camirand Louse Camirand et les orgins de “The bootlace Killer” / Mars 1977 April 11, 2016January 1, 2022
Alice Paré | Chantal Tremblay | Claudette Poirier | Denise Bazinet | Evelyne Levasseur Pulice | Hélène Monast | Jane Doe | Joanne Dorion | Jocelyne Houle | Katherine Hawkes | Laval Police | Lise Choquette | Lison Blais | Longueuil Police | Louise Camirand | Manon Dube | Montreal SPVM | Nicole Gaudreault | Seventies | Sharron Prior | Sureté du Québec | Tammy Leakey | Theresa Allore | Uncategorized Cas non résolus de meurtres et de disparitions au Québec dans les années 1970 March 29, 2016January 1, 2022