Carole Fecteau | Fernand Laplante | Jean Charland | Manon Bergeron | Raymond Grimard | Regis Lachance | Rolland Giguere | Seventies | Sureté du Québec | Theresa Allore Comment savons-nous que Régis Lachance était un stooler May 17, 2022May 17, 2022
Carole Fecteau | Fernand Laplante | Jean Charland | Manon Bergeron | Raymond Grimard | Regis Lachance | Sixties | Sureté du Québec | Theresa Allore Le procès de Fernand Laplante May 6, 2022May 17, 2022
Carole Fecteau | Fernand Laplante | Jean Charland | Manon Bergeron | Raymond Grimard | Regis Lachance | Seventies | Sureté du Québec | Theresa Allore The Aloha Motel Fire April 30, 2022May 9, 2022
Carole Fecteau | Fernand Laplante | Jean Charland | Manon Bergeron | Raymond Grimard | Regis Lachance | Seventies | Sureté du Québec | Theresa Allore L’incendie au Aloha Motel April 29, 2022May 1, 2022
Carole Fecteau | Fernand Laplante | Jean Charland | Seventies | Sureté du Québec Le meurtre de Carole Fecteau en 1978 April 10, 2022April 10, 2022
Luc Grégoire | Seventies | Sureté du Québec | Theresa Allore Theresa Allore – Case update #1 February 26, 2022May 30, 2022
Seventies | Sureté du Québec | Theresa Allore Affaire Theresa Allore – Première mise à jour February 25, 2022March 2, 2022
Bikers | Marc Distefano | Michel Lamoureux | Seventies | Sherbrooke Police | Sureté du Québec The Night of the Long Knives February 20, 2022February 20, 2022
Bikers | Seventies | Sherbrooke Police | Sixties | Sureté du Québec Père Jean Salvail, Le Curé Motard de Sherbrooke, Québec February 13, 2022February 14, 2022
Bikers | Seventies | Sherbrooke Police | Sixties Father Jean Salvail The Biker Priest of Sherbrooke, Quebec February 13, 2022February 13, 2022