Search Results for: shoofey

Solving for X
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Solving for X

I have some follow-up thoughts on the 1985 murder of Francine Da Sylva, but in order to get there, I need to revisit two other unsolved murders we’ve covered: the 1979 death of Nicole Gaudreault and the 1975 strangulation and incineration of Diane Thibeault. Solving for x involves bringing an unknown variable to one side,…

How we know Regis Lachance was a police informant
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How we know Regis Lachance was a police informant

In April 2020, we were putting the finishing touches on Wish You Were Here. I had newly made the acquaintance of Jean-Pierre Rancourt, the lawyer who had defended Fernand Laplante, and I was eager to include his words about the case in the final draft of the book. Jean-Pierre had graciously mailed me a copy of…

Comment savons-nous que Régis Lachance était un stooler
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Comment savons-nous que Régis Lachance était un stooler

En avril 2020, nous mettions la touche finale à Wish You Were Here. Je venais de faire la connaissance de Jean-Pierre Rancourt, l’avocat qui avait défendu Fernand Laplante, et j’avais hâte d’inclure ses propos sur l’affaire dans la version finale du livre. Jean-Pierre m’avait gracieusement envoyé un exemplaire de son livre, Confessions d’un Criminaliste, mais il n’était…

“Some nameless scapegoat in the middle” –  The Killing of David Cross / WKT5 #14
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“Some nameless scapegoat in the middle” – The Killing of David Cross / WKT5 #14

Before he died last year, my father and I had been talking about his years working at Dominion Bridge, the engineering and construction giant headquartered at the southwestern end of Montreal. He remembered he had a secretary who was from the Kahnawake reserve across the Saint Lawrence. Occasionally there’d be some kind of trouble or…

Noir et Blanc – Les meurtres de Diane Déry et Mario Corbeil
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Noir et Blanc – Les meurtres de Diane Déry et Mario Corbeil

* Un grand merci à Micheline Lampron pour m’avoir aidé avec la traduction. Les cas qui nous restent en tête sont ceux pour lesquels aucune théorie n’explique les faits de façon entièrement satisfaisante. L’autre jour, je parlais de ce casse-tête avec mon ex-épouse, Elisabeth. Elle me disait qu’elle était de nouveau devenue un peu obsédée…

Noir et Blanc / The Déry – Corbeil Murders Reconsidered WKT4 #7
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Noir et Blanc / The Déry – Corbeil Murders Reconsidered WKT4 #7

Listen to “Noir et Blanc / The Déry – Corbeil Murders Reconsidered WKT4 #7” on Spreaker. The cases that linger in our minds are the ones where no one theory fully satisfies an explanation of all the facts. I was talking about this puzzle the other day with my former spouse, Elisabeth. She said that…

Francine Da Sylva, Nicole Gaudreault, Lison Blais et Katherine Hawkes
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Francine Da Sylva, Nicole Gaudreault, Lison Blais et Katherine Hawkes

——————– Ce poste a été initialement publié en Avril 2019 Listen to “Francine Da Sylva – Glass of Fashion / WKT3 #6” on Spreaker. Vendredi 18 octobre 1985, Francine Da Sylva était sortie avec une amie proche, Johanne Page, dans le quartier du Plateau à Montréal. Les deux femmes travaillaient dans un bar à sushi…

Francine Da Sylva- Glass of Fashion / WKT3 #6
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Francine Da Sylva- Glass of Fashion / WKT3 #6

On Friday  Oct 18, 1985 Francine Da Sylva was out  with a close friend,  Johanne Page in the Plateau neighborhood of Montreal.  The two women worked at a sushi bar on St. Laurent.  They went to a club, later around 4 am they found themselves at a 24-hour dinner on St. Denis and Mount Royal….