Ugo Fredette – A Wolf in the Fold WKT #35 and #36
Background on the life of Ugo Fredette. Fredette was arrested yesterday for the stabbing murder of his wife Veronique Barbe. and the abduction of his youngest child, Luka Fredette.
Fredette is the co-producer of the film Novembre 84, about a series of child abductions in Montreal in 1984. He is also the co-producer of 7 Femmes, a film about seven of the cold cases we have discussed in this podcast.

Music from episodes 35 and 36 is from the great 70s lost band Spooky Tooth.
I took some flak for playing Barry Manilow in episode 32, but there was a specific reason I chose Manilow which should be fairly obvious.
Episode 35 returns to vintage 70s rock. If the music sounds somewhat familiar and resonant, it should. Spooky Tooth launched Gary Wright (Dream Weaver) and Mick Jones (Foreigner):
My sister-in-law played Johanne Dorion
My sincerest apologies J.J. for ‘fragging’ you about your BarRy mAnILoW clip in 32, but I just never could stomach that lad`s noise,
and in my earlier life as a dairy farmer, neither could my cows, the girls always became very disgruntled when B.M.was played on the barn radio, and we usually had to change the station to calm them down.
Now…’Spooky Tooth’ ‘Dream Weaver’ and ‘Foreigner’ really rocked the ‘cow girls’, they`d milk like crazy when they aired.
So Sorry… Charlie G. (L.M.A.O.)