A La Recherche Du Temps Perdu – The 100th anniversary of Vimy Ridge – WKT #16
On the 100th anniversary of the commencement of the Battle of Vimy Ridge we remember my grandfather’s brother, Thomas Edward Allard who died the morning of April 9th, 1917.
Tom and Annie are at the back to the right:
I’m with The Band (bottom left):
The letter:
All the boys, but not Thomas Edward:
The fifties, good times:
Charles Allore (jacket and tie), Wilfred Allore to the left:
And In The End…
Prior to shipping out for Europe, Thomas Edward and Blanche lived in this house at 751 Gerrard street in Toronto:
Very interesting story John plus the historic pictures were a bonus.
These are amazing photographs! How fortunate to have these historical photos in your possession. Hopefully they will remain with your daughters to be reserved for generations.
I heard from Annie’s grandson who left the following message. Note the eerie synesthesia around the color green: ” Hi John, I just listened to this very moving and powerful tribute to your sister and to Uncle Tom. I realized after listening that I met your grandparents some years ago. In the early eighties, my wife and I drove to Toronto for a holiday and we stopped in Trenton to meet Uncle Charlie and his wife. I remember chatting with them in their living room … they were both seated on their couch, as you described in your podcast. It was very enjoyable. My grandmother, Annie, was very proud of him, and she was delighted that we stopped in for a visit. I remember telling your grandfather about his sister, how she was doing, about my fatter and my aunts and uncles. They were such lively people. I remember he was wearing a green cardigan sweater.”
Thomas was my great grandfather
That is incredible. On the 100th anniversary, my condolences for the loss of your family member, and many thanks for Thomas’ service and sacrifice.
John Allore
I have his death penny…my father gave it to me this year