Nicole Gaudreaux = Lison Blais 1978 / 1979
I was able to obtain the file on Nicole Gaudreault from the Quebec archives in Montreal (BAnQ). Here is a second look that the case, with particular emphasis toward the end on the similarities with the murder of Lison Blais.

An anonymous phone call led police to the body of Nicole Gaudreaux (age 31, 5 feet tall, 95 pounds). Gaudreaux was found on August 3, 1979 in a field behind 2032 rue Saint-Andre in Montreal.
Gaudreaux was found naked, on her back, her face bloodied. The investigators were Roland Ouimet and Maurice Chartrand of the Montreal municipal police. She was beaten badly about the head, and raped. Police found a large amount of blood on the stairs of 2036 rue Saint Andre, it was assumed she was attacked at this location and her body was later dragged to the field. Her empty purse was recovered a few feet away from the body.

The cause of death was “Manual strangulation”, “cerebral contusions”, a “skull fracture”, and “cerebral hemorrhaging” which accounts for the blood on the stairs.
The autopsy was performed at the laboratory medicale-legale at Parthenais in Montreal by Dr. Andre Brosseau. The victim’s brother – Ronald Gaudreault who lived at 3936 Rang St-Joseph in Chicoutimi – identified the body.
Gaudreault was wearing blue stockings, a pink blouse (pulled up over her head), and a beige bra (detached).
Found by the stairs of 2026 Saint Andre were her black pants, red shoes, and her purse which contained a dental prothesis (Gaudreault lived at 2030 St-Andre) There is no mention of her underwear being recovered.
The case is notable for its location close to where Jocelyne Houle disappeared in 1977 (the Old Munich), and to other disappearances / murders in that area (Choquette, Blais, Bazinet 1975 – 1978).

Most striking are the relationships and similarities with the murder of Lison Blais:
- Lison Blais was found 14 months earthier less than a mile North of the Gaudreault crime scene:

2. Like Gaudreault, Blais had been strangled, beaten about the head and raped.
3. Both victims lived in very similar urban environments:

4. The bodies of both victims were recovered at the rear of the residence area: