So the head of the SQ’s Cold Case unit called me today.
The head of the Surete du Quebec’s Cold Case unit called me today. Twice. He then sent me two emails urging me to contact him. I haven’t received an email from the SQ in 10 years. Always a call, nothing documented.
As it turns out, I know the guy. He was one of the first investigators assigned to me 13-years-ago, but he left and studied in the States to become one of the SQ’s first behavioral profilers. Now he’s in charge of the entire unit.
I no longer have an intermediary to go through. Going forward I can go directly to the head of cold cases.
And they’re expanding the cases on their website. First with Theresa’s, then they’re going to add all the other ones.
I though this was going to be a ploy to muzzle me. It wasn’t. He encouraged me to keep writing because he said my website is actually helping. He said if it were him he’d be doing the exact same thing. The best thing I could do was to continue doing what I’m doing.
He asked me what I thought so I gave him my pitch:
I’m not big on unifying theories like serial killers. And at first I wasn’t willing to connect Sherbrooke with Montreal. But Louise Camirand could be connected to Denise Bazinet because:
- They were both strangled with a ligature.
- They were both missing identification
- Richelieu (Bazinet) is not that far from Austin (Camirand)
At this point I was expecting him to tell me Bazinet had been solved years ago. He didn’t. He said, “I have a guy on that case”. Then he mentioned Bazinet had 11 siblings, which is correct, shows he knows what he’s talking about. I continued:
And Bazinet went missing and lived on the island of Montreal. So this gives reason to investigate all the cases in Montreal and the surrounding areas of Laval and Longueuil. AND Bazinet lived down the street from Lison Blais, whose purse went missing, and may have been recovered at the Camirand site. So back to Camirand. Which also leads to Allore, because Allore’s clothing might have been dumped at that site as well.
“Makes sense”, he said.
It’s the first time I was allowed to openly discuss all these cases, not just Theresa. And we most definitely discussed that purse. He asked that we continue to talk about these crimes.
Some other things, but I want to consider them a bit before I divulge too much. Overall some good outcomes. We’ll see.
After all this time. Wow, JA. I remember photographing that purse in 2006 (along with the rest of the evidence gathered at the search) and it never occurred to me to shoot the back of it, just the front and the inside. A lesson learned.
Very glad that you are working with someone who seems to ‘get it.’
Good for you. Glad someone at the SQ is lusrening
wow John..interesting news! Very very interesting..Im keeping my eyes open along with our family..I’m sure there are a few more who are on track! The point is ..KEEP Cold cases out there!..They are just not cold cases they are our loved ones! Heads up John!