Canadian soldier shot in Ottawa a reservist from Hamilton
From the CBC:
Soldier at National War Memorial a member of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
The soldier who was shot in Ottawa Wednesday morning is a reservist serving in Hamilton from the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada, a source has told CBC News.
Members of the Argylls were standing guard at the National War Memorial in Ottawa this week. “The call came in that one of the soldiers has been heard from and is OK,” the source said. No information has been released about the soldier who was shot, the source said. The soldier’s condition is not known at this time.
Police confirmed the shooting at the National War Memorial, and sealed off the area while the injured soldier was given emergency medical aid. He was later put into an ambulance.
The source asked not to be identified as members from the unit have all been ordered not to speak about the incident.
“They are now all on communication lockdown,” the source said. “They’ve been told to put their phones away and all bases are all locked down.”
Parliament Hill was attacked Wednesday after a man with a rifle shot a soldier standing guard at the memorial in downtown Ottawa before seizing a car and driving to the doors of Parliament Hill’s Centre Block nearby.
MPs and other witnesses reported several shots fired inside Parliament, and a gunman has been confirmed dead inside the building.
Police sources say there is more than one suspect, and shots have been reported at other locations surrounding Parliament Hill as the downtown area remains in police lockdown.
It was not immediately known if there are further injuries, but paramedics have been seen carrying a stretcher into the Chateau Laurier Hotel, just east of Parliament Hill. There were reports of shots fired there as well.
The Argylls are an infantry unit of the Canadian Forces primary reserves within 31 Canadian Brigade Group. It is one of the largest army reserve units in the country with over 250 soldiers.